Compulsory Purchase Of 11 Manor Road Issued

Eleven Manor Road, Beverley, will be the third privately owned property in the East Riding to be subject to compulsory purchase action, after an order was made and served on 5 September for the three-bedroom detached dwelling, which has been empty for approximately eight years.

During this period it has been subject to numerous complaints. Neighbours have expressed concern about the detrimental impact of the property on the local environment and neighbourhood and consequent reduction in the value of their homes.

Informal contact with the owners over several years, including the offer of financial assistance to improve the property, failed to address the problem and accordingly the compulsory acquisition process was initiated by the council.

Compulsory purchase powers are only used as a last resort when all other avenues have been exhausted.

Following the conclusion of the consultation period, on 3 October, the property will be marketed on the council’s website. Tenders will be invited and the property sold subject to a timescale for either bringing it back into use or redevelopment of the land, which would be subject to receipt of the necessary planning approvals.

Councillor Symon Fraser, cabinet portfolio holder for environment, housing and planning, said: “This council is keen to work with empty home owners to bring empty dwellings back into use so that instead of causing a problem to a neighbourhood they can provide a home for someone.

“The majority of empty dwellings are brought back into use by informal negotiation with the owner. However, should that fail then compulsory purchase action is taken as a last resort to restore a home to use.

“This successful outcome is beneficial to the whole of the Manor Road area. It will improve the lives of those living near the property, improve the local street scene and demonstrate that East Riding of Yorkshire Council is dedicated to improving the quality of life of its residents.”

Should you have any concerns about an empty property, contact the private sector housing team, on (01482) 396301, selecting option 2, or email

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