Over 120 people attended Beverley Minster on Saturday night for ‘Minster’s Got Talent’ which is in its third year of running. Around 30 people took part on the stage performing numerous varied acts.
Performers were of all ages and not only members of the Minster congregation. Students from all three secondary schools were involved including three lads from Beverley Grammar School who performed ‘Bon Jovi’s ‘Livin’ on a Prayer’.
Returning acts included the pianist Alan Wong playing Greig’s Piano Concerto and Alex Bampton the Minster Youth Worship Leader, performing his own ‘French Pop’ song.
This years judges were ‘Mean Pete’, ‘Eamon Wise’, Bubbly Babs’, & ‘Frantic Fran’, and they voted Katie Dodsworth who played the ukulele and Amber Tatman who sang ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ to be this years winners!
The Minster was also privileged to welcome Children of the Mist Highland Pipe & Drum Band from Bridlington who performed during the interval and at the end. Over £500 was raised as part of the Minster Youth Appeal, which aims to raise £23,000 to continue and develop its thriving Youth Ministry including the popular Youth Café regularly attracting 200-300 young people every 4-8 weeks.
Tickets for the ‘Wonka’ themed Youth Café this Friday night, are now on sale at all three secondary schools, Beverley Minster Parish Centre, and on the door priced £2. The event starts at 7.00pm and finishes at 9.30pm.
More details are available on our website www.bevminyouthcafe.co.uk and from Lee Kirkby 01482 868540.
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