Warriors No Match For Beverley Braves

The Beverley Braves kicked off on this sunny Sunday morning with determination against a big Myton side and within the first few minutes, they had put the visitors under pressure to force an error and give possession to the Braves yards from Myton’s line. They capitalised on this possession in the best way possible when Jack Brown side stepped skilfully across the white wash to open the scoring.

It was the perfect start for Beverley and from this moment, they never looked back. The kick off saw Beverley get the ball and from his own half, Dylan Clifford weaved in and out of the Myton defence and accelerate beyond their grasps to score an excellent individual try. Owen Harrison kicked to make double figures in as many minutes.

Harry Bulleyment made a wonderful charge up field gaining impressive yards and as a direct result of this the ball found the hands of Brown, who scored an equally brilliant try much like his first.

Beverley’s confidence now grew and the rugby was excellent to watch from the side line with some lovely passing moves distributing the ball all around the pitch. The whole team played together so well including wingers Conor Egan and James Sherwin, who defended competently out wide.

Another move saw Joe Wardill slip the ball to the hands of Darren Benstead, who made a strong charging run that the defence could not stop, forcing his way over between the sticks, Harrison adding the two points. Myton kicked from the spot to restart and the ball was well taken by Harrison, who released Wardill in his own half to use his pace down the wing, handing off defenders who got in his way placing the ball firmly over the line, Harrison again kicking well.

Myton had some good attacking moves of their own, and their determination should be applauded. Harry Gray took the ball perfectly from a very difficult bounce and Harry Bell put in some strong tackles against much bigger opponents but great line speed pressure from the pack forced Myton to knock on. The Braves were attacking once again and yet another fantastic pass from James McGahey released Wardill at speed to score and with Harrison’s accurate kicking Beverley could finish the first half 32 – 0 up.

Confidence still running high the Braves continued to dominate play and never let Myton get possession of the ball. Bell produced some great moves to push play towards the visitor’s line and was rewarded for his excellent work with a much-deserved try, Harrison converting well. The Braves executed the attacking play perfectly with impressive yards been made from a strong running pack in the middle to break down the Warriors and then the ball was passed out wide along the line reaching Wardill, who sold the dummy and stepped over for a great team try.

Despite Myton being the bigger side it was Beverley, who dominated physically with great work in the pack from Connor Davies and Callum Officer. Will Johnson scored a great try of his own as he accelerated and broke through the line of defenders, and Bell was influential again with a swift run, side stepping the Warriors and releasing McGahey, who executed the try tremendously; Harrison kicked confidently.

Fresh from his own try, McGahey again broke free and released Wardill, who powered over once again; Harrison converted and to finish Brown scored his hat trick and secured a much-deserved man of the match.

Final Score Beverley Braves U14 62 Myton Warriors 0 A Reported by Sue Wardill

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