Political Journalism Competition For Teenagers Backed By Local MP

Beverley and Holderness MP, Graham Stuart, is encouraging local young people to take part in Write Here, Right Now, a national competition for wannabe Jeremy Paxmans, Andrew Neils or John Humphries.

The competition is being run by the Parliamentary Press Gallery – the collection of newspaper, online, TV, and radio journalists who report from the House of Commons. Anyone aged 14 to 18 can enter.

Aspiring journalists should produce a video report of between 60 and 120 seconds or a comment piece of up to 500 words that can take the form of a blog, a report for TV or a news story. The theme for the 2012/13 competition is ‘the internet and privacy’ and entries should be sent in between 10th September and the16th November 2012. The winners from each category will be given the opportunity to spend a day in London meeting leading political journalists and politicians as well as boosting their chances of landing a journalism job in future.

Graham said, “There’s so much information in our lives but we need great journalists to help us make sense of it and understand what is really going on. Quality journalism is important in a democracy, and this competition is a good way to encourage a new generation of talented writers who can illuminate, expose, mock or explain what is really happening in the world of politics.”

Full details on how to enter can be found at http://www.writenow.org.uk/.

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