Canadian Alex Kullzycki Wins The Rebels’ Chilli Challenge

Rebels’ Smokehouse put on a Hot Chilli Challenge Man Vs Food on Tuesday evening.

Two people, Miran Pankhania and Alex Kullzycki took them up on the challenge taking on Aaron Rowley who works at the Beverley restaurant.

Contestants had to tackle fourteen super hot wings and a shot of Chilli Tequila within a 10 minutes. Miaran who is a surgeon at Castle Hill Hospital was put up to it by his colleague Sandeep Mistry who unfortunately was unable to stay after being called back to work to deal with an emergency.

The eventual winner was Alex, a Canadian who is here on holiday and married to a lady from Beverley.

Alex had no intention of going into Rebel’s till it was suggested by his brother in law but after doing so and taking on the challenge he has earned himself a place on the ‘Wall of Fame.’

PICTURE: Winner Alex Kullzycki made light work of the Chilli Challenge

Canadian Alex Kullzycki Wins The Rebels' Chilli Challenge

Canadian Alex Kullzycki Wins The Rebels' Chilli Challenge Canadian Alex Kullzycki Wins The Rebels' Chilli Challenge Canadian Alex Kullzycki Wins The Rebels' Chilli Challenge Canadian Alex Kullzycki Wins The Rebels' Chilli Challenge Canadian Alex Kullzycki Wins The Rebels' Chilli Challenge

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