Graham Stuart MP Beverley Street Surgery

MP for Beverley and Holderness Graham Stuart was joined by local councillor Gary Shores at Toll Gavel close to  Sullivans Fish & Chip shop in Beverley.

During the surgery both Graham and Gary talked with residents about their issues at one of the regular open Street Surgery’s and gernerally took time to speak with the people from the community they serve.

After the surgery Graham visited the coffe morning that was held at Toll Gavel Church as a fund raiser for The Friends of Longcroft School.

MP Graham Stuart and Conservative Cllr Gary Shores meeting the locals in the community they serve

Graham Stuart MP and Cllr Gary Shores Picture Gallery: Click on the thumbnail picture below to enlarge the image to full size

[nggallery id=383] Picture Gallery: Click on the thumbnail picture below to enlarge the image to full size

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