Beverley Town Mohicans Vs Batesman FC

Pictures from the football match that saw Beverley Town Mohicans play a good game today beating Batesman FC at Longcroft School, Beverley on the all weather pitch.

Full Match Report

Beverley Town Mohicans 8 v Batemens FC 0

Quarter final plate competition u12’s

After having the Christmas period off and a couple more weeks due to the weather, Mohicans started surprising fluently with Alex Stock, Dan Naldrett and Louis Spivey stringing passes together. Jamie Spence and Louie Kelly were getting in strong challenges at the back. A long range shot by Batemans on five minutes looked destined to dip under the bar until Charlie Brooks pulled off a good save.

The Beverley Town Mohicans began to control the middle of the park and a long through ball from Jamie Spence set Oliver Morrison up to open the scoring. Chances were created and missed with Will Collingwood winning a lot of headers and challenges on the right. However it was from the left when Alex Stock placed a great ball for Oliver Morrison to run onto and find the net with a powerful shot.

On the stroke of half time Jamie Spence again won a challenge and found Oliver who completed his hattrick.

The second half saw the Beverley Town Mohicans more in control and on 36 minutes Louis Spivey battled well against several defenders before scoring with a precise shot in the corner. the Beverley Town Mohicans 5th quickly followed when the ever industrious and skillful Sam Tuft turned his man and set up Steve Heath who finished with a great shot.

A hattrick of set ups between Jamie spence and Oliver Morrison made it 6-0 after 45 minutes and this was quickly followed by a seventh from Will Collingwood who never gave up on a bouncing ball in the Batemans area to score again in the corner. The scoring was completed in the 49th minute when Louie Kelly yet again played a great through ball to the forwards, and this time Steven Heath produced a fantastic finish to make it 8-0.

Well done to the lads and to Oliver Morrison man of the match.

Beverley Town Mohicans HU17 Picture Gallery: Click on the thumbnail picture below to enlarge the image to full size

[nggallery id=394] Picture Gallery: Click on the thumbnail picture below to enlarge the image to full size

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