Foodbank Calls For Volunteers For Food Collection in Beverley This Summer

Foodbank Calls For Volunteers For Food Collection in Beverley This Summer

This summer, Tesco will be running their sixth Neighbourhood Food Collection and Beverley Foodbank is urging members of the local community to help stop UK hunger by signing up to volunteer at the collection or make a donation in-store.

Customers at Tesco in Beverley will be invited to donate food in larger stores from Thursday 2nd until Saturday 4th July, and in Express stores from Monday 22nd June until Saturday 4th July, as the retailer gears up to hold the biggest ever UK-wide food collection in aid of foodbank charity The Trussell Trust and food redistribution charity FareShare.

Volunteers will offer Tesco customers a specially selected shopping list when they enter the store and will be asked to pick up an item of food such as UHT or powdered milk, tinned meat/fish, tinned vegetables and long-life fruit juice before donating it at the end of their shop.

Holderness foodbank will then sort donations into emergency parcels containing three days’ supply of nutritionally-balanced food which will be given to local men, women and children in crisis. Every foodbank recipient is referred by a frontline professional or agency such as the Citizens’ Advice Bureau, housing associations or children’s centres.

Between 1st April 2014 and 31st March 2015, 3050 people were provided with three days’ emergency food by Holderness Foodbank. Supermarket collections are one of the main ways that Trussell Trust foodbanks are stocked and with 13 million people living below the poverty line in the UK, the (insert name) foodbank is asking for people’s support at this July’s collection.

Foodbank Development Researcher, Richard Newby, says:

‘As a volunteer you can really make a difference to the lives of people in crisis in Beverley and the surrounding area. Volunteers are the life line of the work we do in helping to stop local people going hungry, and the more volunteers we have at the Neighbourhood Food Collection, the more food we can collect.’

Those interested in volunteering should visit or contact Richard Newby on 07842 753728 or by email

Holderness Foodbank is currently asking in particular for donations of:

• Milk (Long life UHT or powdered)
• Sugar (500g)
• Fruit Juice (Long life carton)
• Cereals
• Pasta Sauces
• Tinned Sponge Pudding
• Tinned Tomatoes
• Tinned Vegetables
• Tinned Soup
• Tinned Rice Pudding
• Tinned Meat or Fish
• Tinned Fruit
• Tea Bags or Instant Coffee
• Instant Mash Potato
• Rice or Pasta
• Jam
• Biscuits or Snack Bars
• Mens and Ladies Toiletries
• Toilet Rolls

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