Local Charity Among First To Use New Text Message Donation Service
N.U.R.S.E. Charity will be among the first charities in the country to use its own, unique personalised text code, NCUK14 to raise funds using JustTextGiving by Vodafone.
Information about charities and charity shops that are based or work within Beverley East Yorkshire including pictures from charity and fund raising events local to Beverley.
N.U.R.S.E. Charity will be among the first charities in the country to use its own, unique personalised text code, NCUK14 to raise funds using JustTextGiving by Vodafone.
Headway Hull and East Riding have been nominated Charity of the Month for May in the Beverley Building Society’s competition.
The Beverley committee for the Macmillan Cancer Support charity are seeking volunteers to help with a street collection around Beverley Town Centre.
In December Geoff Eggleton from the Defence School of Transport and his wife Trish visited Myanmar, Burma for a holiday, this isn’t the first time they have spent holidays there.
After last years huge success of over 6000 boxes, Real Aid hopes once again to send thousands of Christmas Gift Boxes to children in Africa and Eastern Europe who find themselves living in extreme poverty.
Lion Geoff Rawson has taken over the Presidency of Beverley Lions Club, for 2012/2013.He received the presidential chain of office from the out-going president Lion Paul James at recent hand-over.
Beverley Lions Club has started the Christmas season with a number of events on behalf of the Beverley community. The final car Boot Sale for 2011 was held on 20th November and the gift of the Christmas tree in the Market Cross was erected and decorated with lights and tinsel on 21st November. On Saturday there was the switch-on ceremony involving the Mayor, Lion’s President, St. Mary’s Junior School choir,…
Our much valued, local community transport services are run in the main by the good will and support of local volunteers. ARE YOU ABLE TO SPARE A FEW HOURS PER WEEK AS A VOLUNTEER DRIVER? Own car or minibus drivers needed! We are really in need of drivers who using their own vehicle and /or drivers for our 16 passenger seated minibus vehicles. The basic requirements are a full driving…
From birth to retirement, it costs almost £50,000 to cover the costs of a working guide dog. There are, therefore, a rigorous and exhausting set of procedures national charity Guide Dogs – who have their regional office in Beverley – must undertake before they can place one of their dogs with a suitable owner. But no matter how many boxes are ticked or preparatory work is done, one factor over-rides…
Alison Booth, a Guide Dog Mobility Instructor with Guide Dogs, based in Reed House, Annie Reed Road, Beverley, blogs on HU17.net about the important role she and her team play in placing the right, trained blind dog with the right new owner. My dogs are now at the point where they are ready to be matched to a suitable visually impaired person. Matching the correct dog with the correct owner…
My name is Alison Booth, I am a Guide Dog Mobility Instructor at the York, Selby and Humber team based in Beverley. My job is to take the dog through the final stages of training and then match it to a compatible visually impaired client. I am one of 4 Instructors in the area that teach the young dogs the skills needed to guide a blind or partially-sighted person. 3…
£1,200 was presented to the Macmillan Nurses cancer support (Yorkshire) by Kerri Harold, who was one of the organisers of Beverley’s Class of the 80s Reunion Fundraising Disco held last October at the Beverley Memorial Hall. The event was covered by us at HU17.net and we can confirm that a fabulous time was had by all who attended! The sell out night was hosted by ex Beverley Hills and Regal…
The Beverley Lions Christmas Tree is situated in the heart of Beverley Town Centre within Market Cross. “Light a Candle for a Loved One” is organised by Beverley Lions every Christmas inviting the people of the town to light a candle in memory of family members or friends, and also write a message to tie onto the Christmas tree. The Lions charge £1 for each candle and message,and this year…
Members of the Beverley Arthritis Care Support Group held their annual Christmas lunch at the Beverley Arms Hotel. The group is made up of people who themselves or who have family members that suffer from Arthritis though this did not stop them having a good time. HU17.net Picture Gallery: Click on the thumbnail picture below to enlarge the image to full size [nggallery id=1137] HU17.net Picture Gallery: Click on the…
The Friends of East Riding Youth Orchestras held two very successful fund-raising events in Beverley just before Christmas. A total of £328 was collected during two hours of busking at the Tesco store on Saturday 18th December, and on Wednesday 22nd December a magnificent total of £1,594 was raised during an all day playing and bag-packing session at Morrisons. The money will be used to help to subsidise a forthcoming…
Pupils from Cherry Burton CE Primary School have been taking part in the Real Aid 2010 Christmas Gift Box Appeal. The children brought wrapped shoe boxes into school which they had filled with small gifts to be given as Christmas presents to children in the poorest communities of Africa. Real Aid is an international non-governmental, non-political, non-religious independent organisation which is constituted as a charity under a memorandum and articles…
The Beverley Lions Club have for the past 10 years been decorating the Market Cross with Christmas lights and erecting the Christmas Tree and this is done as a service activity to the people and the town of Beverley. Each year the President of the Beverley Lions Club and the Mayor of Beverley perform together this switch on ceremony and this year it carried out by Mr Paul James and…
The Beverley Christmas Lights Appeal had a boost to their funds at the weekend when they raised £421.39 from a bag pack at Morrison`s, Beverley, and a further £97 from a street collection during the lighting of the Christmas trees in the town. Prue Blake, from the Christmas Lights Group said; “It is especially pleasing that Morrison`s have entered into the festive spirit of Christmas by enabling the Christmas Lights Group…