Over £1000.00 for the Mayoral Charity SSAFA

February 5, 2010

St Mary’s Christmas Concert and the annual Civic Dinner have a raised over £1000.00 for the Mayoral Charity SSAFA. Back in December the Beverley Town Council arranged free afternoon of festive fun collecting donations totalling £225.11 Entertainment at St Marys Church was provided by The Regimental Band of 150 Regiment Royal Logistics Corps (Volunteers), St Mary’s Church Choir, Beverley Town Hand Bell Ringers and the children of St Mary’s Primary…


Fire Fighters Pull an Engine Round Beverley

January 30, 2010

Fire-Fighters from Beverley Fire Station have begun their mammoth task of pulling a 14 tonne fire engine around our historic town. Setting off a few minutes late the guys soon picked up speed leaving many behind them including those with collection buckets. This morning they were at Beverley Fire Station bright and early cleaning the engines and preparing for the challenge. Shamus Harrison who is the man behind the fund…


Fire-Fighters on the ‘Pull’ in Beverley

January 25, 2010

Shamus Harrison a retained Fire-Fighter at Beverley Fire Station is in good spirits ahead of their fund raiser that will see Shamus and his colleges pull a 14 tonne appliance through the streets of Beverley. This Saturday at 11.00 am they will set off from Beverley Fire Station, using two ropes the engine will be pulled by ten men at a time through the streets of Beverley collecting money for…


Beverley Businesswoman Hopes to Raise £26,385

January 25, 2010

Beverley businesswoman and first time marathon runner and member of Beverley Athletic Club Claire Burcham hopes to raise £26,385 for charity. A Beverley businesswoman has embarked on a mammoth fund raising effort to collect £26,385 for the charity DebRA by running the London Marathon. Claire Burcham, from Beverley based Thrive Coaching, will be running the London Marathon for the first time in April 2010 and explains where the random target…


Friends of Longcroft School Raise £250

January 23, 2010

Friends of Longcroft School held their annual coffee morning at Toll Gavel United Church Hall this morning. The fair weather made it a fantastic morning raising over £250, nudging them a little nearer to the target needed for a new mini bus. A second hand book stall, tombola and cake stall contributed to the overall total as well as serving tea/coffee and toasted teacakes. The committee members were ably helped…


Beverley Fire-Fighters Charity Engine Pull

January 20, 2010

Shamus Harrison a retained Fire-Fighter based in Beverley is organising an Engine Pull on Saturday 30th January to help raise money for the Hati Disaster. The challenge is similar to one he organised for the Tsunami Disaster around Beverley on that occasion raising over £5,000. Shamus is just finalising the details with the local authorities is said; “We intend to do two full sweeps of the Town following the same…


The Royal British Legion Beverley Branch

January 12, 2010

The Royal British Legion safeguards the welfare, interests and memory of those who are serving or who have served in the Armed Forces. They are one of the UK’s largest membership organisations and recognised as custodians of Remembrance. The Royal British Legion Beverley Branch meet each second Monday of each month at the Beverley Arms Hotel. Pictured – Beverley Branch of the The Royal British Legion – Back Row: Rod…


Star Performance by the Beverley Community Lift

January 12, 2010

The Beverley Community Lift performed a near perfect service through out the recent poor weather conditions, speaking with Trish Altoft Service Development officer she told HU17.net; “Our service ran as normal, during the snow we only had to cancel on shop trip, every other regular service we provide the community was for filled. The job of the Beverley Community Lift is to provide a transport service to the isolated and…


Beverley Lions Review of 2009

January 6, 2010

The year started with our annual New Years Day Fun Run in Beverley which attracted 198 runners for either the 3k for the young ones , the 6k for the more athletic and the more competitive 10k for the various athletic club runners. This fun run is not a race but just a chance to shake off the Christmas excesses and many of the runners raise funds from sponsorship for…


New Home for the Beverley Branch of The Royal British Legion

January 5, 2010

Following the closure of The Lady Le Gros in November 09, the Beverley Branch of The Royal British Legion has had to find a new venue for it’s meetings. From January 2010, the Branch will meet in The Beverley Arms Hotel, at 7.30pm, on the second Monday of each month, except December.  Many thanks go to Finton Gavin, the Manager of The Beverley Arms Hotel, for his help with providing…


Beverley & District Talking Newspaper

December 22, 2009

Beverley & District Talking Newspaper (BDTN) is a service for people who, because of sight loss, stroke, infirmity or similar cause, cannot read for themselves. It’s run by volunteers, who compile weekly recordings containing •    the latest news appearing in The Beverley Guardian and The Beverley Advertiser •    plus BDTN’s own entertaining and informative audio magazine, Whatever Next. Specially recorded interviews with local personalities are included too, along with occasional…


Successful FERYO Fundraising

December 22, 2009

The Friends of the East Riding Youth Orchestras held two very successful fundraising events in Beverley recently.  A total of £278 was collected during a two hour busking session at the Tesco store on Saturday 19th December, when they were also presented with a donation of £250 from Tesco as part of their “Community Champion” scheme. On Monday 21st December they also held an all day playing and bag-packing session…


Beverley Lions Run for Fun 2009

December 9, 2009

The Beverley Lions are once again holding their annual Run For Fun on New Years Day to help banish those Christmas indulgencies and this will be the 20th time they have staged this event. As usual the run has three different distances, 3Km mainly for young children, families and even walkers etc, the 6Km mainly for those wanting a pleasant jog and the 10Km for the more serious runners etc….


Macmillan Cancer Support Tree of Thoughts

November 27, 2009

The Macmillan Tree of Thoughts at Wednesday Market was switched on yesterday in Beverley, a large crowd gathered which included BBC Radio presenter Lara King and the Mayor of Beverley.  The crowd sung carols led by MICE Singers, G Jack & Son remained open for the evening providing hot drinks and mince pies. Steve Morris and Jane Prutton thanked the crowd with special mentions in the programme being made to…


Marie Curie Launch Beverley Night Service

November 24, 2009

The Mayor of Beverley was at the manor Road Health Centre where Marie Curie launched a new night service that will assist those in Beverley area who care for terminally ill loved ones from home. Cheryl Barrett explained “Carers can often find it distressing and hard to come to terms with when some body they care for dearly is taken into hospital for the final hours of their lives. With…


John Lock Memorial Day in Beverley

November 22, 2009

The banner made by John Lock’s children for the John Lock Memorial Day The John Lock Memorial Day took place at the Beverley Leisure Centre playing fileds and Hodgsons pub in Beverley. Events began with the much awaited football contest a fitting tribute to John who played for each of the sides who were contesting the cup that bared his name. The sides lined up though there was not a…


The Beverley Lions Club

November 3, 2009

The Beverley Lions Club is a group of ordinary people from Beverley who through fund raising organise events for everyone in the community. The Beverley Lions are involved with many of the key annual events in Beverley including the Bon Fire on the Beverley Westwood through to regular Car Boot Sales at Beverley Grammar School. The Lions have global network of some 45,000 clubs with more then 1.3 million members…


Dig For Britain Poppy Appeal in Beverley

November 2, 2009

Beverley Garden Centre held a Dig for Britain themed day to help raise the awareness for the Poppy Appeal. The Garden Centre in Woodmansey had a selection of stalls including one that was being looked after Iris Newbald, an 84 year old Veteran of the Womens Land Army. Ken Marshall a Verteran of the Royal Air Force was there to support the day two. Iris Newbald, a Veteran of the…