Harp & Flute Concert Coming Soon to Beverley

January 22, 2010

Sally Pryce (harp) and Adam Walker (flute) will be presenting a musical evening on the harp and flute at Toll Gavel Methodist Church, Beverley, on Thursday, 18 February at 7.30pm. Sally Pryce & Adam Walker who will be performing in Beverley at Toll Gavel Methodist Church in February A Guardian newspaper review of a recent concert featuring the duo stated that “Adam Walker and Sally Pryce were the young and…


Beverley MVC Donate £600 to Yorkshire Air Ambulance

January 19, 2010

The Chairman of Beverley Male Voice Choir, Mr Hugh Walton, presented a cheque for to Mr Bob Smailes of the Yorkshire Air Ambulance Service at a ceremony held in Toll Gavel Methodist Church in Beverley. The was raised from the proceeds of the annual joint concert of the Beverley Male Voice Choir and the Blackpool Male Voice Choir held at Toll Gavel Methodist Church and also from carol singing in…


Beverley High School Christmas Carol Service

January 18, 2010

Beverley High School marked the end of the year with its usual Christmas Carol Service at Beverley Minster. What was unusual this year however was that Radio Humberside recorded the service for broadcast on Christmas Day. The church was packed, it was a spectacular event and as if by magic we walked out of church and into a white Christmas. The Minster was decorated by Angels made by Year 7…


New Singers Required for Choir

January 5, 2010

The East Riding County Choir needs singers in all four voices. The music we sing is beautiful and challenging. In the recent past we have sung Verdi’s Requiem and Bach’s B Minor Mass. At Christmas we performed Messiah by Handel. Rehearsals are at 7.30pm on Mondays in Beverley Grammar School, Queensgate, Beverley. The first rehearsal of the new term is on Monday 11th January. Those interested should attend the first…


500 People Pack the Minster for Concert

December 15, 2009

Beverley Minster was full and filled with sound of music and around 500 people as the East Riding Schools’ Music Service hosted a their second festive concert in as many days. BBC Look North were also at the Minster, as the giving the children a unique opportunity to perform live on the BBC1. The Christmas Concert featured The East Riding String Training Orchestra, The East Riding Intermediate String Ensemble, The…


Christmas Concert With Eleanor Tomlinson

December 15, 2009

There was barely an empty seat in Hull City Hall on Sunday evening with over 900 people enjoyed East Riding Schools’ Music Service annual Christmas Concert. The East Ridding Youth Orchestra, East Riding Senior Wind Band, Swinemoor Primary School Choir


TribFest 2010 Christmas Offers

December 2, 2009

TribFest has announced great offers for those looking to book tickets as Christmas gifts. The company has put some of the ticket allocation for their festival which will be held at Beverley Polo Club next summer in August. Tickets for the full weekend, day passes and even the VIP tickets are being offered with up to £20 pounds. Ed Faulkner of Ed Entertainments Ltd the organisers of TribFest told HU17.net…


The Beverley Brass Band

November 26, 2009

The Beverley Brass Band was founded Mick Carter in 1969, the Beverley Brass Band has been entertaining people ever since and they provide music at nearly all the key events that happen in Beverley including the North Bar Celebrations, Beverley Food Festival, Armistice Day and the Christmas Lights. Above: The Beverley Brass Band performing at the Beverley Food Festival, 2009 Catherine solo performance of John Denver’s classic Annie´s Song at…


Beverley Brass Band 40th Anniversary

October 24, 2009

The Beverley Brass Band celebrated its 40th anniversary with a concert at Toll Gavel Methodist Church. Mick Carter who founded the band was there as the Beverley Brass Band show cased their future, the youth section that included a solo performance by Catherine of Annie’s Song. The junior section of the Beverley Brass Band played three pieces before the interval and was the first time they had performed in public….


A Night in the West End

October 15, 2009

The London Theatre Voices, a quartet of friends who met whilst singing for English National Opera wowed a packed audience at Toll Gavel Methodist Church, Beverley. Over 230 people sat back and enjoyed the ‘A Night in the West End’. Communities Arts Officer for East Riding of Yorkshire June Mitchell was very pleased at the success of the concert, June and the department she works in are responsible for organising…


The Ragamuffins

October 1, 2009

Beverley musical pair John Burgess and Jerry O’Connell  also know as the Ragamuffins were joined by Tim Gaydon and Phil Barber as they set to work on the much awaited second album. The Ragamuffins who released ‘Our Beverley’ which is a collection of songs about the town are pushing all the stops to get their new album ‘Gallows Lane’ in shops by Christmas. The Ragamuffins John Burges & Jerry O’Connell…


Beverley Town Handbell Ringers

September 28, 2009

The Beverley Town Handbell Ringers was formed in Febuary, 1981 and, by the loan of an old set of bells from Elland in the West Riding of Yorkshire, were able to set about raising funds to buy their present ‘long set’ two years later in August 1983. The Beverley Town Handbell Ringers play on a 132 set of Whitechapel bells which cover a wide range of octaves. The band is…


Tower Bell Ringing

September 28, 2009

John Atkinson opened the doors to the bell tower of St Mary’s Church, John is part of the Beverley and District Ringing Society and he with other members are responsible for the bell we hear ringing right across Beverley. John told us that they keen to find more people who are prepared to learn the art of Tower Bell Ringing and also Handbell Ringing. While in the bell tower of…


Longcroft Gospel Choir

July 13, 2009

The Longcroft Gospel Choir performed as part of the North Celebrations in Beverley’s Market Place on the main stage and received a very warm round of applause from a large crowd that had gathered to hear them sing. HU17.net Picture Gallery: Click on the thumbnail picture below to enlarge the image to full size [nggallery id=58] HU17.net Picture Gallery: Click on the thumbnail picture below to enlarge the image to…


Beverley Male Voice Choir

June 25, 2009

The Beverley Male Voice Choir’s membership is currently around 58 and it has represented the town of Beverley at some of the Country’s most prestigious venues including the Royal Albert Hall, London on several occasions, Bridgewater Hall and the MEN Arena, Manchester, also the Royal Philharmonic Hall, Liverpool, not to mention a number of visits to Beverley’s twin town of Lemgo, Germany. The Choir was founded in 1955 from members…