September 2022 Secondary School Placements To Be Announced

September 2022 Secondary School Placements To Be Announced

Parents and carers of Year 6 children in East Riding will find out in September which secondary school their children will attend.

A total of 3,584 applications were submitted to East Riding of Yorkshire Council, most of which were made online – an increase of 3.2% from last year – and 3,441 places were offered to students according to their first preference.

A Celebration Event Will Be Hosted By Bishop Burton College For Employers

A Celebration Event Will Be Hosted By Bishop Burton College For Employers

Bishop Burton College is excited to announce its first-ever Employer Awards to thank industry partners for the support and opportunities they provide students.

A solar energy-powered technology demonstration will be part of the event, which will be held during National Careers Week. The college will host a panel of employers who support apprenticeships, industry placements, and T Level placements to show other partners how the process works, and the benefits and impact of working with students.

Blue & Golds Have Plenty Top Build After Successful Pre-Season Run Out

Blue & Golds Have Plenty Top Build After Successful Pre-Season Run Out

Phil Horsfield and Lee Stevens, who have now assumed joint coaching responsibilities for the first team, will feel they have got plenty to build on following this pre-season workout against a Myton Warriors second string.

A good showing by the new players, a defensive clean sheet and a hat-trick for wing-man Jonny Norman were the highlights of the afternoon.

East Yorkshire Residents Face Big Hike In Council Tax Bills

East Yorkshire Residents Face Big Hike In Council Tax Bills

A council tax increase of 4.99% for the financial year 2023/24 has been approved by councillors in the East Riding.

The East Riding of Yorkshire council approved the 4.99% increase at a special budget meeting, the maximum amount allowed by the government without a referendum.

Portraiture Course Is Being Offered At The Treasure House In Beverley

Portraiture Course Is Being Offered At The Treasure House In Beverley

The Treasure House in Beverley will host an inspiring two-day art course beginning on Saturday, 4 March and continuing on Saturday, 11 March. Each day’s sessions begin at 10am and end at 3.15pm.

A popular life drawing class is being conducted at the Treasure House by Esther Cawley, an experienced artist and tutor.

Western Docklands Masterplan Consultations Are Now Open

Western Docklands Masterplan Consultations Are Now Open

Western Docklands Masterplan public consultation is underway for six weeks.

Last month, Hull City Council’s Cabinet backed the masterplan, which suggests a range of different uses, with an emphasis on employment land to the west and residential/commercial and leisure land to the east.

Public Meeting With 'Cross' Beverley Residents Held By MP Graham Stuart 

Public Meeting With ‘Cross’ Beverley Residents Held By MP Graham Stuart 

During a meeting hosted by Graham Stuart MP, the public expressed their anger at Network Rail’s decision to close without notice the England Springs level crossing just outside Beverley, which is used by over 150 people every day. 

Graham was invited to speak at the event, attended by around 50 people, through Sue Crowther, the organiser of the Open England Springs Facebook group. 

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