Tickets Available For The East Riding Festival Of Words Poetry Extravaganza

Tickets Available For The East Riding Festival Of Words Poetry Extravaganza

A ceremony to award the winners of the East Riding Festival of Words Poetry Competition 2022 will be held this week.

On Friday, 27 January, from 6pm to 8pm, North Bridlington Library will host an event celebrating the winning entries. It will be an opportunity to hear from the judges and listen to the winning entries at the Poetry Extravaganza. You can get tickets for this event for free right now.

Groundbreaking Dual Career Scheme Accredited At Bishop Burton College

Groundbreaking Dual Career Scheme Accredited At Bishop Burton College

Through the innovative Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme (TASS) Dual Career initiative, Bishop Burton College is leading the way in supporting talented athletes in education. 

TASS Dual Career Accreditation Scheme is officially recognised by Sport England as a means of enabling young athletes to pursue other interests along with their sporting pursuits while gaining qualifications at the same time. 

Beverley Racecourse In East Yorkshire Ranked In Top Ten

Beverley Racecourse In East Yorkshire Ranked In Top Ten

As part of the Top 10 Racecourses for Raceday Experience in 2022, Beverley Racecourse in East Yorkshire has been selected.

Assuring racecourses objectively assess raceday experience from the perspective of customers is the objective goal of the Quality Assured Racecourse scheme, which was established in 2013.

Trader Retires After Almost Six Decades Trading In Beverley East Yorkshire

Trader Retires After Almost Six Decades Trading In Beverley East Yorkshire

57 years of trading at Beverley market led to a celebration for a stallholder who retired from trading in the historic East Yorkshire Town.

Having started at Beverley’s Saturday market at 16 in 1966, John Dyson spent his last day (on Saturday 14 January) with old and new colleagues, and with balloons decorating his stall.

National Awards Honour Beverley Site Manager

National Awards Honour Beverley Site Manager

The National Housebuilder’s Council (NHBC) has recognised a site manager in the latest round of its Pride in the Job awards for a housing development in Beverley, East Yorkshire.

He beat over 11,000 other site managers from 11 UK regions to win the coveted ‘Seal of Excellence’ award at an NHBC awards lunch.

Visit Sewerby Hall And Gardens And Relive The 1990s

Visit Sewerby Hall And Gardens And Relive The 1990s

This Saturday (14 January), Sewerby Hall opens a new exhibition. A look at social, cultural, political and technological landmarks of the final decade of the twentieth century is explored in Cool Britannia: Britain in the 1990s.

As Britain recovered from Thatcher’s turbulence in 1990, it welcomed a new prime minister – the affable John Major, who was mocked for his dullness and love of peas.

Double Success For East Yorkshire Marketing Agency

Double Success For East Yorkshire Marketing Agency

Hull-based Assured Marketing was founded in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. Jack Story noticed that small businesses were struggling with the sudden lack of footfall and the urgent need to focus on digital engagement while working at a large company.

In response, he and his business partner Connor Hewson founded a company that simplifies complex services such as search engine optimization.

Save Up To 20% On Dove House Events In January

Save Up To 20% On Dove House Events In January

Throughout the month of January, local charity Dove House Hospice is offering up to 20% off registration prices for a variety of events. Take advantage of these events during January and support your local hospice while saving money.

Without the support of participants who register, take part, and fundraise, Dove House would not be able to provide vital care to patients and their families across Hull & East Yorkshire.

Woodmansey's Local Store Rebrands To Premier

Woodmansey’s Local Store Rebrands To Premier

Formerly known as Go Local, a Woodmansey convenience store has become part of the Premier network of award-winning stores. 

With almost a year since Liz Harvey took over the store, she has decided to upgrade it significantly with the well-known Premier purple and yellow branding replacing the former Go Local branding.

Beavers Secure Victory In Huddersfield With Last Kick Of The Game

Beavers Secure Victory In Huddersfield With Last Kick Of The Game

Back in October when Beverley’s opposition visited Beaver Park it was a tense affair and a high-scoring game led to the away team Huddersfield Laund Hill just securing the win in the dying seconds of the game, 36-38, in this return match on a wet dark afternoon in Huddersfield, the Beavers were able to return the favour, literally winning the game with the last kick of the match to win 25-27 in what proved to be a thrilling start to the 2023 campaign for both teams.

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