Beverley Apple Fest Pictures

October 11, 2009

The lovely weather today ensured that the Beverley Parks Apple Fest in Millennium Orchard, Beverley was extremely well attended.  Mary Childs, President of the Beverley branch of the Women’s Institute said they were sold out of cakes within an hour, but made well over one hundred pounds. Scarecrows made by various local branches of the WI could be found all over the orchard, and all attendees were invited to vote…


Beverley Parks Apple Fest

September 30, 2009

Members of the public are invited to attend a free festival to celebrate apples at Beverley Parks Local Nature Reserve. East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s Apple Fest will appeal to all ages and will be held on Sunday, 11th October at the Millennium Orchard, Beverley Parks, from 11 am to 3 pm. The event has been organised by East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s countryside access team. Funding for the event…


Beverley Bee Keepers Day

July 19, 2009

Beverley Bee Keepers Day, members of the public were invited to an open day by the Beverley Bee Keepers on Long Lane in the Millennium Orchard, products produced with honey and bee’s wax were also on sale. The event was to raise awareness for bee keeping in the area and find would be bee keepers. [nggallery id=86] Visit the Beverley Bee Keepers Web Site