MP Welcomes News Ambulance Response Times Are Improving

September 3, 2010

MP for Beverley and Holderness, Graham Stuart, today (Friday) said he was glad to hear the Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust had been taken out of ‘special measures’ after improving response times. In April this year the Care Quality Commission (CQC) imposed strict conditions on the Trust’s licence after it continued to fail to meet national response time targets. Graham said: “The CQC was rightly concerned with the level of…


Beverley Fire Station

December 8, 2009

Beverley Fire Station is the principle station for East Riding of Yorkshire, one of the four regions covered by Humber Fire & Rescue. Beverley Fire Station operates with 20 retained fire fighters, with some of the buildings used as training centres.


Beverley Police Station

August 7, 2009

Beverley Police Station is located on New Walk in Beverley, next to the Health Spa, ‘Sessions’. On weekdays it is open from 8:00AM til 8:PM, on Saturdays it is open from 8:00AM til 6:00PM, and on Sundays, 9:00AM til 5:00PM. On Bank Holidays it opens from 9:00AM til 5:00PM, and it is closed on Christmas Day. Beverley Police Station – New Walk, Beverley, East Yorkshire, HU17 7AF – 0845 606…