Retail Park To Fund Pavement Disks Project To Help Increase ‘Street Flow’

Retail Park To Fund Pavement Disk Project To Help Increase 'Street Flow'
December 18, 2017

Temporary disks are to be placed on pavements in Beverley that will direct shoppers from the town centre to the out of town retail park Flemingate, and from North Bar Within to Saturday Market.

The incentive which will be will run for two weeks will see disks, measuring 20cm in size, directing pedestrians in an attempt to help the flow people and visitors in the town.


Get Out And Walkabout Beverley!

August 31, 2012

Whether you like the social side of a group walk or choose to walk in a smaller group, or alone, the positive benefits of walking are well established.
This September sees the second Walking and Outdoors Festival throughout the East Riding.


Walkers Are Welcome In Beverley!

March 14, 2012

Beverley has now been awarded this national accreditation following a successful submission, on behalf of the town, supported by Beverley Renaissance Partnership, East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Beverley Town Council and the Beverley Chamber of Trade.


Beverley Close To Achieving Walkers Are Welcome Status

January 21, 2012

Walking is a great way of getting positive exercise, enjoying yourself, discovering the area – and all without having to spend lots of money! There’s a very useful national network, with a great website, featuring towns that want to especially welcome walkers. Beverley is very close to achieving all the criteria needed to get this status. Market Weighton and Pocklington have already been successful. Beverley will be able to use…


Beverley Renaissance Partnership Annual General Meeting

November 18, 2011

Beverley Renaissance Partnership invites anyone who would like to find out more about their work to the annual general meeting on Thursday, 24th November, in room 1 at County Hall from 5.30pm. The meeting will look back on the partnership’s achievements over the last year, and forward to its plans for the future. The meeting will also feature the Mayor of Beverley, Councillor Peter Astell, representing the town council. He…


Local Elections: John Bird, St Marys Ward

April 18, 2011

I decided to stand for election in 2003 because I wanted to work for and support the people in the ward where I live. That desire has not changed  and so I am standing again for election  this year. In addition to my work as your councillor over the past eight years at East Riding of Yorkshire Council,  I am currently Chair of the Beverley Renaissance Partnership which has delivered…


Fred & Mary’s Quiz

April 15, 2011

Children and adults can test their local knowledge in a new quiz which follows the Elwell Trail of 22 full sized paintings sited around Beverley. The paintings show the town through the eyes of the artists Fred and Mary Elwell whose works were bequeathed to Beverley Art Gallery in 1958. Free quizzes and trail leaflets (20p) are available from the art gallery at the Treasure House, Champney Road, and the…


Next Stage of Beverley Town Plan Consultation

February 4, 2011

Further public consultation on the Beverley Town Plan is scheduled to take place over the next six weeks. This consultation focuses on the plan’s design guidance, which is the final part to go out to consultation before the Beverley Town Plan is completed.  The document considers how development can be carried out, highlighting the issues that should be taken into account by developers to promote high quality design. The aim…


Graffiti Clean Up Round Beverley

October 22, 2010

As part of a project to improve historic town centre lanes in Beverley,  Beverley Renaissance will take to the streets along with East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s safe communities team next Tuesday to tackle the current condition of Tindall Lane and remove graffiti. The clean up of the lane, which acts as a thoroughfare from several popular car parks and the train station through to Wednesday Market, will start at…


Beverley Renaissance Partnership Workshop

April 1, 2010

The Beverley Renaissance Partnership is holding a Workshop today, Thursday 1st April at County Hall. The purpose of this workshop is to launch the new project teams that will be responsible for the delivery of projects in the forthcoming year. The following five project teams have been established based on the projects ability to attract funding, have the biggest impact and be achievable within the next 12 months; Events &…


Lincoln Cathedral Diana Certificate of Excellence

March 3, 2010

2 Volunteers from CSV East Riding’s Vinvolved Team attended the Diana Princess of Wales Award Ceremony in Lincoln Cathedral Chapter House last Friday. They were there to collect a much-deserved Certificate of Excellence on behalf of the project’s Youth Action Team. The Mayor of Lincoln, The Right Worshipful, Councillor David Gatrick, presented Kayleigh Cooper and Jamie Baker with the award and thanked them for their efforts in the community. The…


Volunteers Acknowledged for Positive Work in the Community

February 23, 2010

Members of the Media Crew who made a positive contribution to the community through their work with CSV East Riding’s Vinvolved Team in 2009, gathered today at East Riding College in Beverley to receive official thanks and recognition for their efforts. Kerry Straw, Beverley Renaissance Partnership Coordinator and John Bird, Chair of the Festival of Christmas, presented the group with awards and spoke highly of the work they had all…