Local Lions Club Busy Organising 2018 Bonfire & Firework Display

Local Lions Club Busy Organising 2018 Bonfire & Firework Display
September 24, 2018

The Beverley Westwood Lions Club is busy organising the Bonfire and Fireworks annual display to be held on Monday, 5th November on the Beverley Westwood Common.

President of the Lions Club, Alan Blenkharn, with the assistance from the Mayor, Cllr Bryan Pearson will have the honnour of lighting the bonfire to get the event officially underway.


Beverley Food Festival Returns For A 13th Taste-Terrific Year!

Beverley Food Festival Returns For A 13th Taste-Terrific Year!
September 17, 2018

When Beverley Town Council organised the first Food Festival in 2006, little did they know it would go on to be an annual success enjoyed by thousands of residents and visitors alike.

The original idea was to bring a few producers from Beverley’s rural hinterland into the town centre to help celebrate local food, so on a crisp Sunday morning in 2006, thirty-five producers set up their stalls along with a small Food Theatre, in what proved to be a big success for the Town Council – one that has grown stronger year on year.


Club Delighted After Record Numbers At Midsummer Gathering

Club Delighted After Record Numbers At Midsummer Gathering
June 21, 2018

East Yorkshire Thoroughbred Classic Car Club say that they were delighted with how their event went in Beverley which set a new record for the number of cars on display.

Not only were there a record number of cars, the club also say that more businesses chose to stay open adding to the ambience of the night.


Cllr Bryan Pearson Elected As New Mayor of Beverley

Cllr Bryan Pearson Elected As New Mayor of Beverley
May 14, 2018

Cllr Bryan Pearson has been elected as the new Mayor of Beverley at a ceremony held at the Beverley Guildhall taking over from the outgoing Mayor, Cllr Ann Willis.

Cllr Pearson was nominated by Cllr Phil Dodsworth and Cllr David Elvidge who both paid tribute to his lifelong dedication to serving the town.


Wilko Say They Are Actively Marketing Empty Town Centre Unit

Wilko Say They Are Actively Marketing Empty Town Centre Unit
March 9, 2017

Wilko have confirmed the lease of the premises has been actively marketed of the premises they vacated from centre of Beverley which has remained empty since.

A topic of discussion the at the Annual Town Meeting the company also ruled out any chance of using the building for another use as their agreement prevents sub letting.


New Banners Could Help Link Flemingate and Town Centre

New Banners Could Help Link Flemingate and Town Centre
February 21, 2017

Plans for new banners that will help enhance the link between Beverley Town Centre and Flemingate have been presented to Councillors at Beverley Town Council.

David Donkin, Property Director at the Wykeland Group put forward plans that would see a number of lamp post banners installed to help join the two locations up.


Beverley Town Council Call For Dominic Peacock To Resign

Beverley Town Council Call For Dominic Peacock To Resign
January 9, 2017

Beverley Town Council have voted in favour of calling for disgraced Councillor Dominic Peacock to resign, however not all were keen to see their colleague go.

Cllr Peacock hit the headlines following comments he made on a social media page in reference to memorial fund set up for MP Jo Cox’s family.