Beverley Based Accountancy Firm Trainee Wins Top Accolade

Beverley Based Accountancy Firm Trainee Wins Top Accolade
May 17, 2018

A Beverley based accountancy firm are celebrating after their colleague, Faye Sherwood, was named Yorkshire Accountancy Trainee of the Year at the Yorkshire Accountancy Awards.

Faye, who joined the Sowerby Chartered Accountants, which is located on Annie Reed Road, says she was over the moon to win the accolade given the tough competition she faced from firms across the region.


HULL : Xero Help From 360 Chartered Accountants

HULL : Xero Help From 360 Chartered Accountants
May 27, 2017

360 Chartered Accountants are urging business owners to attend their next popular Saturday morning surgery to learn how cloud accounting can simplify the running of their financial affairs.

As the region’s only gold-accredited Xero provider, the Hull and East Yorkshire-based firm say that they are getting more and more enquiries about how to use the software to its full effect.


Success For 360 As First Apprentice Qualifies As Accountant

Success For 360 As First Apprentice Qualifies As Accountant
May 3, 2017

The 360 Chartered Accountants team is celebrating after its very first apprentice passed her final ACCA exams to become a fully qualified accountant!

Sophie Holmes joined 360 in 2011 and came second in the national finals of the ICAEW Apprentice Business Challenge Competition in 2013. Last year, after having already been promoted internally for her exceptional work, she was named as the firm’s Charities Specialist.


360 Manager Becomes Mentor For Cherie Blair Foundation

360 Manager Becomes Mentor For Cherie Blair Foundation
April 25, 2017

Claire Jacques, Business Development Manager at 360 Chartered Accountants, has been selected to be a mentor for the prestigious Cherie Blair Foundation for Women Mentoring programme.

The year-long mentorship, which starts in May, aims to support and empower women in developing and emerging markets so that they can set up and grow successful businesses.


HULL : Watch Out For 360 When You Pass ‘Go’

HULL : Watch Out For 360 When You Pass 'Go'
April 7, 2017

360 Chartered Accountants is thrilled to have a spot on the Hull edition of Monopoly which has been officially launched.

As well as having their name and logo on the Tax space just after you pass ‘Go’ they also appear on one of the Community Chest cards, allowing you to collect £200 to fund your new business venture!


Hessle Sporting Club Looking For Angels To Help Fund Project

Hessle Sporting Club Looking For Angels To Help Fund Project
April 7, 2017

Hessle Sporting Club is appealing to local businesses to become Sporting Angels in a bid to raise £20,000 to finish a new community hub building after being left in the lurch by their builder.

The building should have been finished last May but nearly a year on and another 5 missed deadlines they have had to terminate the builder’s contract.


Beverley-Based Firm cbaSadofskys Appoints New Head of Corporate Finance

Beverley-Based Firm cbaSadofskys Appoints New Head of Corporate Finance
March 1, 2017

Leading Beverley accountancy firm cbaSadofskys has appointed Katy Booth as its new Head of Corporate Finance.

Katy joins cbaSadofskys from an independent York-based practice, where she has been a Corporate Finance Associate since 2010. In addition to this role she acted as lead advisor on a large client portfolio of businesses, including UK SMEs, small groups of companies, LLPs and partnerships.


360 Chartered Accountants Appoint Senior Tax Specialist

360 Chartered Accountants Appoint Senior Tax Specialist
February 28, 2017

360 Chartered Accountants is pleased to announce the appointment of a new senior personal tax advisor.

Joanne Wilkinson, from Hedon near Hull, has 20 years’ experience in personal tax having worked for one of the world’s largest international practices as well as a number of large regional accountancy firms.


Help For Charities To Cut Through Financial Red Tape

Help For Charities To Cut Through Financial Red Tape
January 26, 2017

As more and more charities are recognising the need for expert financial guidance, award-winning 360 Chartered Accountants has decided to devote its next Saturday morning surgery to helping those struggling with what can be a financial minefield.

The Hull and East Yorkshire-based firm says many charities try hard to cope with the different types of financial reporting required, but fall short of the complicated regulations without expert guidance.


Tax Return Deadline Approaches – Submit It Or Face A Fine

Tax Return Deadline Approaches – Submit It Or Face A Fine
January 20, 2017

Tax advisers at 360 Chartered Accountants are reminding people that the deadline to submit online self-assessment tax returns is fast approaching.

HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) must receive all online tax returns relating to the tax year 6th April 2015 to 5th April 2016 and any money owed by midnight on 31st January 2017.


HULL : Saturday Surgery For Start Ups To Be Held

HULL : Saturday Surgery For Start Ups To Be Held
December 28, 2016

If there’s one New Year’s resolution owners of start ups should make sure they follow through with, it’s to attend a specialist surgery designed specifically for them.

Award-winning 360 Chartered Accountants know firsthand how difficult it is to build a successful business, having been a start up themselves just 6 years ago. They now want to pass on that knowledge to all entrepreneurs.


360 Chartered Accountants Launch New Mentor Scheme

360 Chartered Accountants Launch New Mentor Scheme
December 21, 2016

Mentoring isn’t just for young people starting out in business, it’s now being recognised by experienced business people as one of the most effective ways to succeed.

That’s the message from award-winning accountancy firm 360 Chartered Accountants as they launch their very own mentor scheme.


HULL : Golden Apple For 360 Chartered Accountants Apprentice

HULL : Golden Apple For 360 Chartered Accountants Apprentice
December 13, 2016

An apprentice at 360 Chartered Accountants has been recognised as one of the best and brightest the education sector has to offer.

Sam Gibson, 23, from Goole, won the Apprentice/Placement of the Year category in this year’s Golden Apple Education Awards in Hull in recognition of his “attitude, commitment and work ethic.”