Beverley Minster Change Times of Crib Service

December 21, 2010

Beverley Minster’s ever-popular crib services for young people on Christmas Eve are starting earlier this year to give more chance for staff to tidy up between services. The first service will begin half an hour earlier at 1.30pm with the second service at the usual time of 3pm. Christmas Services at the Minster Friday 24 Dec – CHRISTMAS EVE 1.30pm and 3.00pm Crib Services for young children (PLEASE NOTE –…


Christmas Services at Beverley Minster

December 15, 2009

Information and times of special services that will be held at the Beverley Minster during the festive period for 2009 Sunday, 20th December Churches together in Beverley Carol Service, Beverley Minster, 6.30pm Thursday, 24th December, Christmas Eve 2.30pm Crib service for families and children 3.30pm Crib service for families and children (repeated) 6.30pm Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols 11.30pm Midnight Holy Communion Friday, 25th December, Christmas Day 8.00am Holy…