Oliver’s Army Days Commemorated

November 9, 2009

As we once more salute the heroes of today and yesteryear, a collection of letters on show at The East Riding Treasure House, Beverley, we are reminded of countless tales of bravery, endurance, and sacrifice in the face of war. These letters were written as part of a series of correspondence from Lieutenant Edwin Oliver of the 4th East Yorkshire Territorials was one of those heroes, amongst millions of other…


Jacob’s Well Christian Book Shop

October 28, 2009

Jacob’s Well Christian Book Shop can be found in the shadows of St Mary’s Church Beverley on Lairgate. The small book shop specialises in books of religious nature for the Christian faith. Jacob’s Well Christian Book Shop – 2 Ladygate, Beverley, East Yorkshire, HU17 8BH‎ – 01482 865136‎ Jacob’s Well Christian Book Shop – 2 Ladygate, Beverley, East Yorkshire, HU17 8BH‎ – 01482 865136‎ Jacob’s Well Christian Book Shop –…


St Nicholas Church

October 27, 2009

Located in Beverley St Nicholas Church is a stunning local parish that can be booked for batisms, weddings and funerals , the church is also a fair trade using only fair trade products for their various coffee mornings. The church is used for many various functions that serve the community including child play groups and support meetings. St Nicholas Church – Holme Church Lane, Beverley, EAst Yorkshire, HU17 – 01482…


Beverley Brass Band 40th Anniversary

October 24, 2009

The Beverley Brass Band celebrated its 40th anniversary with a concert at Toll Gavel Methodist Church. Mick Carter who founded the band was there as the Beverley Brass Band show cased their future, the youth section that included a solo performance by Catherine of Annie’s Song. The junior section of the Beverley Brass Band played three pieces before the interval and was the first time they had performed in public….


Musick For Awhile

October 23, 2009

Concert Royal are presenting Musick for Awhile at Toll Gavel Methodist Church in Beverley on Thursday, 12 November 2009 at 7.30pm. Henry Purcell was England’s greatest composer of the baroque era. During his short life, spent mostly in the service of court and church, he made innovative contributions to chamber, church and theatre music.  To mark this important anniversary, Concert Royal has prepared a programme of songs, cantatas and instrumental…


Toll Gavel United Church

October 16, 2009

Toll Gavel Church is a very active church situated in the heart of the town centre here in Beverley East Yorkshire and is used by many different groups and organisations as well as being a popular venue for live musical performances. Toll Gavel Methodist Church – Toll Gavel, Beverley, East Yorkshire, HU17 9AA – 01482 865459 Toll Gavel Methodist Church – Toll Gavel, Beverley, East Yorkshire, HU17 9AA – 01482…


A Night in the West End

October 15, 2009

The London Theatre Voices, a quartet of friends who met whilst singing for English National Opera wowed a packed audience at Toll Gavel Methodist Church, Beverley. Over 230 people sat back and enjoyed the ‘A Night in the West End’. Communities Arts Officer for East Riding of Yorkshire June Mitchell was very pleased at the success of the concert, June and the department she works in are responsible for organising…


Pop Connection in Beverley

October 15, 2009

Pop Connection provides primary schools with a unique opportunity to record their very own professional pop music CD.  The project creates an exciting opportunity for schools to meet government requirements for community cohesion. It also gives every child in the school a positive and memorable experience that develops their musical and performance skills and increases their self- confidence During October the Pop Connection team will be at Keldmarsh School, Woodmansey…


Pets’ Service at St Nicholas Church

October 11, 2009

St Nicholas Church in Beverley opened its doors today to everyone and their dog!  The Church’s annual Pets’ Service began at 3pm, and although some of the congregation wanted to enjoy every moment of sunshine before the service began, the pews were soon a flurry of furry excitement, gathered to hear the vicar Rev Jonathan Evans and his Curate Matt Martinson remind us all just how important our pets are…


Beverley Brass Band 40th Anniversary Concert

October 7, 2009

Beverley Brass Band will celebrate their 40th anniversary with a performance at Toll Gavel Methodist Church later this month. The concert that takes place on the 23rd of October at 7.30pm with proceeds from ticket sales going to Combat Stress a leading organisation that provides mental health care to veterans of the armed services. Tickets for the Beverley Brass Band 40th Anniversary Concert can be purchased in advance from the…


Beverley Literature Festival

Storming Performances at Beverley Literature Festival The wild weather in Beverley on Saturday was matched by some equally energetic performances over the first weekend of the Beverley Literature Festival as writer after writer took their audiences by storm in what has been some of the most exciting days in the festival’s eight year history. Iain Banks riffed on his new novel with the energy of a man possessed by genius. …

October 6, 2009

War Graves Photographic Project

October 6, 2009

The War Graves Photographic Project has been set up in an attempt to photograph each and every MoD grave, Individual Memorial and family memorial from WWI to the current day. The project aims to photograph and log over 1.7 million Common Wealth War Graves from around the world and depends on volunteers from every walk of life. HU17.net has volunteered to produce images for the graves located in Beverley or…


Tourist Information Centre

October 2, 2009

Beverley Tourist Information Centre – At the heart of the East Yorkshire, bustling market town Beverley has fine food and shopping combined with a rich cultural heritage with many features, including St Mary’s Church and the Minster, dating back to the 13th century. The TIC is found close to Wednesday Market Place on Butcher Row. Your one stop shop for a full range of information services. Fully trained, friendly and…


Beverley in Bloom Awards

September 29, 2009

Shop keepers, gardeners, schools and allotment owners from Beverley all gathered this evening at Norwood Methodist Church for the annual Beverley in Bloom awards. Mayor of Beverley David Elvidge was on hand to present awards to the winners. Norwood Methodist Church was full with standing room only as Chris Dawson; Chairman of Beverley in Bloom along with the Mayor of Beverley handed out cups and certificates to the winners pausing…


Tower Bell Ringing

September 28, 2009

John Atkinson opened the doors to the bell tower of St Mary’s Church, John is part of the Beverley and District Ringing Society and he with other members are responsible for the bell we hear ringing right across Beverley. John told us that they keen to find more people who are prepared to learn the art of Tower Bell Ringing and also Handbell Ringing. While in the bell tower of…


Beverley Literature Festival 2009

September 21, 2009

The Funniest Festival to date the Beverley Literature Festival 2009 09, 1-11 OCTOBER You’ve heard of laugh-out-loud books – well here’s a laugh-out-loud festival! Forget hushed rooms and reverent conversation, this year’s Beverley Literature Festival will have audiences rolling in the aisles – well, almost. We’ve the dry and incisive political wit of Francis Wheen from the News Quiz and Private Eye; and that grumpiest of Grumpy Old Men, Will…


Battle of Britain Memorial Service

September 13, 2009

St Mary’s Church in Beverley held their annual Battle of Britain Memorial Service; the service was attended by local officials including the Mayor of Beverley David Eldvidge. Those arriving for the service were welcomed by members of the Central & East Yorkshire Air Wing Cadets, Squadron 399 Beverley. Mayor of Beverley David Eldvidge talks with members of 399 Beverley Air Cadets. Click on the thumbnail to enlarge the image, these…


St Leonard’s Church

September 12, 2009

St Leonard’s Church in Molescroft is part Parish of Beverley Minster and holds Sunday service with Holy Communion being offered at 9.00am, small in size St Leonard’s Church still has great character and is stunning inside. St Leonard’s Church