Beverley Colonel Commits to Armed Forces Day

April 6, 2011

Plans are well under way for Beverley’s third Armed Forces Day, with more members of the military confirmed. The event will start at 9am on Sunday 3 July, finishing at 5pm. One of the main military contributors to the event this year will be elements of A Company of 4th Battalion, The Yorkshire Regiment, who are based at Wolfe Armoury down Norwood Far Grove. In another local link, the Commanding…


Humber.TV Live @ Bar Fusion

March 24, 2011

Humber TV broadcast live yesterday from Bar Fusion. The show which featured a panel made up of Bunny Girls from the Beautiful Freaks Modelling Agency and Cllr David Elvidge. David Elvidge  said; “Last night I was part of a debate about the media image of perfection and how this affects who we are and who others perceive us to be.” “I found not only the interviewer (Valerie Prentice) but the…


Performers Invited to Showcase Their Talents in Beverley

March 11, 2011

Wannabe performers are being invited to showcase their talents on the streets of Beverley. Town councillors David Elvidge and Bryan Pearson are the driving force behind the plan to encourage more acoustic musicians to entertain visitors to the town. Councillor Elvidge told “Performers must be available on Saturdays and not require a stage, electricity  or payment. “The scheme is part of the Town Council’s efforts to boost shopping in…


Meet Your Conservative Candidates

March 2, 2011

Conservative candidates in this May’s local elections will hold a street surgery in Beverley this Saturday. All six candidates, standing for the St Mary’s and Minster and Woodmansey wards in Beverley will be available to talk to members of the public. The street surgery will be held at the junction of Toll Gavel and Cross Street between 10am and midday on Saturday, March 5. This will be a chance for…


Charities to Benefit from Beverley Armed Forces Day

February 28, 2011

Beverley’s third Armed Forces Day will take place on Sunday 3 July, and already plans are well advanced. Last year’s event was a fantastic occasion, building upon the success of the previous year and attracting thousands of people into the town centre for a true family day out. New additions already confirmed for this year’s event – which will be held in Saturday Market – are the band of The…


New Attraction Announced for Beverley’s Armed Forces Day

January 14, 2011

Visitors to Beverley’s Armed Forces Day are set to get a real treat this year at the 2011 event. The event which is scheduled for the 3rd of July will this year feature a flight simulator. Organiser of the event Cllr David Elvidge said; “We have been asked if we have room for a flight simulator this year and if we have to choose between a Harrier or Tornado!” Beverley’s…


Sun Shines on Councillor Elvidge and His Bride

January 12, 2011

Councillor David Elvidge married Janet Morris on Saturday 8th January at Beverley Minster, and the sun shone brightly on the whole day. Janet arrived at the Minster in her father’s car wearing a beautiful figure-hugging dress in a rich crimson, heavily adorned with golden beads and embroidery, with a matching sari-style wrap. The Reverend Jeremy Fletcher warmly welcomed friends and family of the couple who were all seated in the…


Holderness Hunt @ The Beverley Westwood 2010

December 27, 2010

Holderness Hunt Supporters Club held their annual hunt meeting at the Beverley Westwood. The event was switched to Monday as this year Boxing Day fell on a Sunday, but hundreds still turned out to see the horses and hounds, including Cllr David Elvidge and the local MP Graham Stuart. Unfortunately due to the frozen ground they were unable to drive the hounds round the Beverley Westwood. Picture Gallery: Click…


Hundreds Attend SSAFA’s Christmas Celebration

December 12, 2010

Over 250 people were packed into St Mary’s Church for a Christmas Celebration to Mark SSAFA’s 125th Anniversary. Entertainment was provided by Regimental Band 150 Transport Regiment RLC (V), songs from St Mary’s Primary School and St Nicholas Primary School choirs. The free event was organised by Cllr Matt Snowden and Cllr David Elvidge, who had SSAFA as his charity during his year as Mayor of Beverley. Deputy Lord-Lieutenant of…


Christmas Celebration to Mark SSAFA’s 125th Anniversary

December 5, 2010

A “Celebration of Christmas” will take place on Saturday 11th December at St Mary’s Church in Beverley, in aid of SSAFA (Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association) Forces Help. Organised by Cllr David Elvidge, who had SSAFA as his charity during his year as Mayor of Beverley, explained that the occasion will also make a special anniversary for SSAFA: “This is SSAFA’s 125th year and it seemed like a nice…


Town Councillor Meets With Local Scout Group

November 17, 2010

Scouts in the Beverley St Nicholas group were treated to a top-level talk on their town by Councillor David Elvidge.  They had many ideas of their own about Beverley, and grabbed the opportunity to pass them on to the Councillor. David Elvidge tells his account of the evening “Following a meeting at the Scouts AGM last year I find I must have made an impression on at least one…


Beverley Remembrance Sunday Parade

November 14, 2010

The Memorial Gardens in Hengate, Beverley, was again overflowing for the Remembrance Service this Sunday, showing the strength of feeling that the people of Beverley have for our Armed Forces. Councillor David Elvidge told  “This was probably the best attended Remembrance Service and Parade I’ve ever been to. The addition of A Company 4th Battalion Yorkshire Regiment made it quite a spectacle and it’s always more meaningful to have…


Beverley Pipe Band Play @ Coronation Garden

The Beverley Pipe Band performed this Saturday at Coronation Gardens, Beverley. The event was organised by Beverley Town Council with a view to introducing more live music for Saturday shoppers. For more information about the scheme please click here. Picture Gallery: Click on the thumbnail picture below to enlarge the image to full size [nggallery id=1007] Picture Gallery: Click on the thumbnail picture below to enlarge the image…

October 23, 2010

Beverley Town Council Pipes Up

October 19, 2010

Beverley Town Council and the Beverley and District Pipe Band are joining forces to pilot an event that could see more music brought to the streets of Beverley in the future. As reported in the local media in September, the idea is to not just bring live entertainment into public spaces that everyone can enjoy, but might to also encourage shoppers to visit areas of the town that are currently…


Battle of Britain Memorial Service & Unveiling Ceremony

September 15, 2010

All those attending The Battle of Britain Memorial Service at St Mary’s Church on Sunday 19th September are asked to be seated by 09:45 hrs for a prompt 10:00 hrs start. Cllr David Elvidge said; “The service will last approximately one hour. Although there is no guarantee on these timings, I expect us to be heading to the Hengate Garden at about 11:00 hrs.” “The unveiling ceremony for the memorial…


Lemgo Fire Fighters Visit Defence School of Transport

August 10, 2010

The Defence School of Transport was visited last week by Fire Fighters and Junior Fire Fighters from Lemgo in Germany along with members of Humberside Fire and Rescue Service from the Beverley Fire Station. The towns of Lemgo and Beverley have been twinned since 1979 and their fire services regularly visit each other. The visit was organised by Councillor and former Mayor David Elvidge who is the Quality Assurance Manager…


Beverley Fire Station Open Day

July 25, 2010

Beverley Fire Station opened its doors to the public this weekend. The event was held to help raise awareness of the dangers of fire in the home while also raising money for Fire Victim Support, a charity that provides support to people whose lives have been devastated by fire. Dee Philips, along with other volunteers from the charity, manned a wide range of stalls while the fire fighters from Beverley provide…