More Funding for Road Repairs

May 31, 2010

The council is set to put in £2.25m to help repair the roads left in a poor condition following the cold weather experienced this winter. The highway network in the East Riding covers more than 3,300km (2000 miles) and supports over 26 million journeys a year.  It is a vital part of the infrastructure on which the community and economy of the East Riding depend. During the last two winters,…


East Riding Aims to Freeze Council Tax

May 17, 2010

Councillor Stephen Parnaby OBE, leader of the council, has today announced that the council aims to freeze council tax next year, so that people will, in 2011/12, pay no increase in the part of their bill which funds East Riding of Yorkshire Council services. Only unforeseen events, such as major flooding and other extreme weather conditions, or particularly extreme cuts in Government funding, could hinder these plans. Councillor Parnaby said:…