MP Welcomes £5.2m Talent Match Grant

January 29, 2014

Last week, the Big Lottery Fund announced that £5,232,809 has been awarded to the Humberside Learning Consortium to help local young people who have been unemployed, or out of education, for at least twelve months.


Wild Cherry Hits The Road Running In 2014

Wild Cherry Hits The Road Running In 2014
January 28, 2014

29 youth workers from 10 countries came to Yorkshire recently to tackle the hot topic of working with socially excluded young people, thanks to a generous grant from the British Council, the UK’s National Agency of the European Commission’s Youth in Action Programme.


Back To School At The Treasure House

January 15, 2014

The latest café case display, created by the Wilderspin National School in Barton-on-Humber, has now opened at the Treasure House in Beverley and focuses on Samuel Wilderspin (1791-1866), ‘the forgotten pioneer of infant education.’