Your Weekly Horoscope By Russell Grant

Your Weekly Horoscope By Russell Grant
April 22, 2018

ARIES (March21st-April20th) Conflict within a group is getting you down. It will be a health factor that makes you undecided about the best course of action. Some people are expecting too much from you and fixing their problems is emotionally and physically exhausting. It might be time to pull out of some obligations and adopt a slower pace. You can avoid being drawn into a tug of war between home…


5 Ways To Stay Active With Age

March 12, 2018

The joints stiffen, the brain gets stuck in die-hard habits, friends both old and new move away.

It can be hard to maintain an active lifestyle as the years add up – by the time commitments to work and children are finally at an end, new hurdles and problems appear to take their place.


Why Are We Spending So Much Time Online?

SOURCE: Pixabay
March 9, 2018

Reports from 2017 have stated that Beverly was to become the fastest broadband town in the UK.

Thanks to KCOM’s Lightstream rollout of broadband, 97% of Beverley homes have access to super-fast broadband, compared to just 51.2% nationally, and 90% in the rest of Yorkshire.


Using The Internet As A Resource To Learn And Gain Skills

Using The Internet As A Resource To Learn And Gain Skills
March 5, 2018

The internet is an enormous place, one that incorporates the vast majority of all knowledge mankind has uncovered. Because of this, it is an invaluable resource that can be used to build a host of skills, especially those which revolve around heavy theory and study.

Here, we’ll go over just a couple of things which you need to keep in mind to kick-start your understanding of a new topic, and hopefully get you on your way to mastery.


Gambling – Are We Turning Into a Nation of Gamblers

February 20, 2018

Gambling when I was growing up was something people did in smoked filled betting offices or the having a go on the Pools with the man coming to the door to collect the stakes.

Shortly after this The National Lottery was rolled out in the UK with the slogan ‘It Could Be You’ as we were sold the dream of being turned into millionaires overnight for a stake of just £1.


Casino Gaming in Beverley

Casino Gaming in Beverley
January 31, 2018

Whether you’ve ever stepped into a casino or not, in movies or television shows, you have undoubtedly encountered casino games. The likes of blackjack, poker, and roulette have stood the test of time and offer entertainment for many players to this day.

In fact, people all over Great Britain enjoy casino games, with that affection for the table games being reflected by the gigantic size of the industry on this little island.


2018 House Market Predictions For The HU17 Area

2018 House Market Predictions For The HU17 Area
January 19, 2018

The housing market for the Beverley area is set for another tough year as economic uncertainties continue to limit any price rises. Despite many government-led initiatives such as the removal of stamp duty, it seems that increased living costs and fears over a rise in interest rates will put many people off buying a new home in 2018.

Last year saw both the number of homes sold and their prices decreasing across the whole of the HU17 area. Compared to a relative high point in 2014, the number of home sales in the HU17 region was at its lowest point since 2009. And when coupled with a sudden drop in prices compared to 2016, it seems that the market is set for a tough year.


Moving Abroad?

Moving Abroad?
January 17, 2018

At the current moment, there is a plethora of information available on the Internet for individuals to gather before they go abroad.

What is incredible is that many prospective expats do not know to take advantage of these sites and the sensational information that they offer free of charge.


Protecting Foxes Peacefully by Lynn Massey-Davis

Protecting Foxes Peacefully by Lynn Massey-Davis
December 8, 2017

I live in rural East Yorkshire and there are many things I am grateful for in my life and one of those things is my love of wildlife in our wonderful county, particularly Beverley Westwood, our remote yet beautiful coastline and respect for living things all of which bring me more joy than I can express


The Importance Of Networking For Beverley Businesses

The Importance Of Networking For Beverley Businesses
November 8, 2017

When visiting any of the many events organised in Beverley, local business owners should always be prepared for networking.

Networking is a vital tool for any organisation, small or big. It can connect entrepreneurs with important people from the same work field as well as with (potential) customers.


5 Ways To Manage Your Mortgage Effectively

5 Ways To Manage Your Mortgage Effectively
November 7, 2017

Mortgages are long-term debts that can be stressful if not managed well. Planning and managing your budget has a direct impact on whether you struggle or smoothly pay off your mortgage.

All you have to ensure is making your payments up to date to avoid losing your dream home. Here are the effective ways to manage your mortgage.


Top 5 Tips To Make The Most Of Halloween As An Adult

Top 5 Tips To Make The Most Of Halloween As An Adult
October 31, 2017

Do you remember the good times you had going for trick-r-treating when you were a kid? Gathering your best friends and making your way into the neighbourhood, hoping weather won’t be too cold to handle things!

Then when you grew a little old, Halloween time became an excuse for watching scary movies (It’s the month of Halloween and to get you in the mood, we’ve put together a list of five of the best scary movies of all time), dressing up and scaring others like a kid once again! For many people, the love of Halloween becomes a badge of honour that they must live up to even well into their adulthood.


Yorkshire Gaming Festival Shines Light on the Future

October 18, 2017

Beverley gaming fans returning from the Yorkshire Games Festival in Bradford this week may recognise themselves in figures released pertaining to the performance of the gaming industry.

The great and good of the country’s gaming industry descended on West Yorkshire to discuss matters including the future of gaming, and students of nearby Hull University’s nationally-renowned Computer Science courses were offered the opportunity to absorb the expertise of iconic developers from around the UK.


Beverley’s Best For Romantic Dates!

October 13, 2017

Dating. It’s not easy, is it? The anxiety of approaching someone you like the look of, the difficulty in striking up interesting conversation and then the stress of that nervy first date – the dating game is a tricky game to navigate. Luckily, Beverley and its neighbours are decent spots to reduce the difficulty rating a touch.

There are an abundance of places to meet someone around the town, and indeed the wider East Riding area. But these days, the one you come to love might only be a click or a swipe away.


5 Unusual Hobbies to Earn Money

October 11, 2017

Is life a bit boring? Are you feeling like you need something to break the mundane cycle of work, household chores and normal responsibilities?

It seems more and more people are taking up hobbies, relieving themselves from duties, learning new skills and looking for interesting things to do in their spare time.


A Guide to Jackpot Games: How Progressive Slots Lead to Top Prizes

October 6, 2017

In the world of online casinos, there are a variety of slots to choose from. Some players enjoy playing simple 3-reel slots as they have the most nostalgic value, while others may prefer 5-reel video slots with enhanced graphics, animation and sound effects.

Alternatively, iGaming fans who have a history of playing console or PC games will probably enjoy multi-level bonus slot titles, as players aim to complete different levels and eventually the entire game.