Think Before Buying A Dog As A Gift For Someone This Christmas

Think Before Buying A Dog As A Gift For Someone This Christmas
December 11, 2017

People thinking about buying a dog as a last minute Christmas gift are being urged to buy from a reputable breeder or rescue centre rather than responding to posts on social media or newspaper adverts.

Research from The Kennel Club has revealed a high number of puppies or dogs available on social media have come from puppy farms and/or unlicensed breeders and that almost one in five bought via the internet die before they are six months old.


Think Carefully Before Buying A Puppy This Christmas

Think Carefully Before Buying A Puppy This Christmas
December 8, 2016

People looking at adding a new puppy to their family this Christmas should check they are buying from a reputable, licensed breeder.

Over the last year, East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s licensing team have received 15 allegations of unlicensed breeders operating in this area advertising


Hull Animal Welfare Trust: Pets in Need of a New Home

August 26, 2010

Beverley is a town full of dog-lovers, and having photographed many dogs in Beverley and chatted to their owners, has discovered that quite a number of these lovely pets have come from the Hull Animal Welfare Trust. Established in 1982, the Hull Animal Welfare Trust has found homes for tens of thousands of animals including dogs, cats, rabbits and other small animals. It also incorporates the famous Hull Hedgehog…


Beverley Saturday Market Shoppers

June 6, 2010

Beverley was alive this Saturday; a busy and very colourful Saturday Market was enjoyed by many people. Local MP Graham Stuart was out meeting people at one of his regular street surgeries and volunteers from the Hull Animal Welfare Trust were collecting money for their rescue centre. Picture Gallery: Click on the thumbnail picture below to enlarge the image to full size [nggallery id=700] Picture Gallery: Click on…