Free Webinar To Support Employers With Workforce Drug And Alcohol Issues

Free Webinar To Support Employers With Workforce Drug And Alcohol Issues
July 10, 2020

A free webinar will advise employers as their workers start to return work and the signs of increased use of alcohol and drugs throughout lockdown affect the company.

Generis is a service set up by The Alcohol and Drug Service to work with a variety of organisations around the UK who have identified a problem with alcohol (and drugs) amongst workers, particularly in safety-critical industries.


Young Women Encouraged To Pick Up The Tools Of The Trade

Young Women Encouraged To Pick Up The Tools Of The Trade
May 13, 2020

It’s no secret that the construction sector is male-dominated. According to the UK’s Construction Training Board (CITB) the proportion of women working in skilled manual labour is just 2 per cent.

Tackling the diversity divide in Hull, women employed at KWL want to encourage young women to follow in their footsteps into the trades.


Rollits Advises On Update To Guidance On Coronavirus In The Workplace

Rollits Advises On Update To Guidance On Coronavirus In The Workplace
April 29, 2020

Care home operators are among the employers being advised by a regional law firm to be aware of the latest Government guidance on illness and death of employees linked with exposure to coronavirus in the workplace.

Rollits, who have offices in Hull and York, say the pandemic places specific responsibility on employers under RIDDOR – the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013.


Law Firm Based In Hull Racks Up Donations For Charity Partners

Law Firm Based In Hull Racks Up Donations For Charity Partners
April 21, 2020

A law firm which launched a double charity drive after setting up an Employee Forum has handed over the proceeds to the first good causes to benefit from the scheme.

The team at Rollits are now preparing to announce details of its selected charity for 2020-21, which will reap the rewards of fundraising activities starting next month.


Transferable Skills That Make Business Graduates More Employable

Transferable Skills That Make Business Graduates More Employable
February 7, 2020

Education is an essential part of everyday life. We learn in so many ways, including traditional classroom-based lessons and real-life skills. Each is as important as the next, but to get ahead, you need to take it a step further to expand your knowledge and experience.

As individuals move through education, university is often the transitional phase into full-time employment. However, traditional lesson-taught degrees are not the only way to gain this type of qualification. 


The IT Skills Every Graduate Needs

The IT Skills Every Graduate Needs
January 14, 2020

In the modern world we live in, nearly every kind of job requires a basic comprehension of computers.

When you take into account all of the jobs that require candidates to have immediate to advanced computer skills, it’s important that, as a student, you have a skill set in place that stands out from competitors, helping to increase the chances of you securing your dream role.


Bishop Burton College Students To Benefit From Investment In Campus

Bishop Burton College Students To Benfit From Investment In Campus
September 9, 2019

Students and employers from across Yorkshire are set to benefit from a significant investment in the digital infrastructure at Bishop Burton College.

The college has recently completed a £650,000 project to upgrade its ICT systems, which will provide the platform to train current and future generations of highly skilled workers and provide a valuable contribution to the agriculture sector, in particular.


Fit4DogsUK Employee Shortlisted For People in Business Award

Fit4DogsUK Employee Shortlisted For People in Business Award
May 17, 2019

A Fit4dogsUK employee has been shortlisted for an award at the 2019 Hull & East Yorkshire People in Business Awards.

Competing against the best talent in the region, Zofia Thompson, Canine hydrotherapist at Fit4dogsUK has beaten the competition to make the official shortlist for the First-class service award.


New Deputy Principal Appointed At Bishop Burton College

New Deputy Principal Appointed At Bishop Burton College
January 30, 2019

The new deputy principal at an East Yorkshire college says she will be listening closely to the views of students and local businesses to help produce a skilled workforce for the region.

Rachel Ellis-Jones has re-joined Bishop Burton College this week, having previously worked there as an art lecturer at the start of her career.


New Service Aims To Conquer Mental Health Taboo And Get People Back To Work

New Service Aims To Conquer Mental Health Taboo And Get People Back To Work
February 8, 2018

Two former NHS managers have joined forces to set up a new company designed to help people with even the most severe mental health conditions return to work.

Working for Health’s new programme ‘The Work Place’ has just been officially launched. The event was held at the University of Hull’s Enterprise Centre, which is providing them with cost effective office space, equipment and networking support as an incubator business.


Val Wood Signing New Paperback A Mother’s Choice In Beverley

Val Wood Signing New Paperback A Mother’s Choice In Beverley
February 7, 2018

At a time when abuse scandals and in-equality hit the headlines, acclaimed author Val Wood is releasing her paperback, A Mother’s Choice.

The book tackles hard-hitting issues including poverty and rape in 19th Century Hull and Val will be signing copies at WH Smith Books in Beverley on Saturday, Feb 10 at 11AM.