Hull Stingrays prove Real Men do Yoga

November 24, 2011

Beverley Yoga Instructor Jane Irving of WaveYoga has set out to allay the general misconception that yoga is too easy and a feminine form of exercise. To help, Jane has teamed up with some of the fittest and toughest men in Hull – ice hockey team – The Stingrays. Jane says “Although I have a lot of men coming to my classes, I do hear their friends comment on it…


Wave Yoga Moves To New Venue This September

August 11, 2011

September, the kids are back at school and the holiday season is over, so de-stress and get back in shape the Wave Yoga way as local instructor Jane Irving moves to a brand new time and venue to  keep up with demand. Yoga has been proven to reduce stress, anxiety and depression and each class will have a short period of deep relaxation, the benefits of which are invaluable and…


Wave Yoga Class TONIGHT

July 7, 2011

Wave Yoga is coming to Beverley this Thursday with a brand new weekly class. Yoga has been proven to reduce stress, anxiety and depression and each class will have a short period of deep relaxation, the benefits of which are invaluable and participants will be able to incorporate them into many areas of their lives. The main benefits of Yoga are; increased attentiveness and concentration, increased flexibility, improved body awareness,…