Saturday Market

June 17, 2009

Every Saturday Beverley hosts a large outdoor market known as ‘Saturday Market’. With a large selection of stalls selling freshly cooked food, goods, fruit, vegetables, clothing, shoes, hardware and much more. If you are visiting the Beverley Saturday Market you are reminded that the central parking area is closed as this is where the traders set up their stalls. Click on the thumbnail to enlarge the image, [nggallery id=7]


Beverley Town Centre

June 17, 2009

Beverley Town centre has a large pedestrian only shopping area and like all good market towns still has a car park in the middle. It has two weekly markets, Saturday Market and Wednesday Market. There are a good blend of shops and it has seen Mark & Spencer’s expand thier presence when they took over the building vacated by Somerfield. Boots are in the process of opening a larger store too,…


The Push Inn

June 15, 2009

The Push Inn – 27 Saturday Market, Beverley, East Yorkshire, HU17 8BB – 01482 889811 The Push Inn – 27 Saturday Market, Beverley, East Yorkshire, HU17 8BB – 01482 889811



June 15, 2009

Monsoon Ltd – 47, Saturday Market, Beverley, East Yorkshire, HU17 8AA – 01482 881529 Monsoon Ltd – 47, Saturday Market, Beverley, East Yorkshire, HU17 8AA – 01482 881529 googlemaps