Magazine Issue 24

December 21, 2010

This weeks edition of Magazine features pictures from the following features on the web site and is available from Molescroft News on Wodhall Way; Out & About Around Beverley on Saturday Night Beverley ARLC: Distasteful Christmas Jumper Pub Crawl Trinity House Old Boys’ Dinner @ The Lairgate Hotel Keep it Cash @ The Beverley Memorial Hall The Railway Children @ The Beverley Memorial Hall Swimoore School Carol Concert Steve…


Steve Thornton Shows off His Flydressing Skills

December 16, 2010

For the second month in a row, the East Yorkshire Flydressers’ Guild has been honoured by having a fly-tyer of international repute amongst them. Steve Thornton, author, proprietor of Virtual Nymph Products and organiser of the Spring Fly Fishing Show, mesmerised his audience with his skill in replicating real-life flies.  Not only was his audience enthralled with what they saw, but many new skills were learnt which they could incorporate…


Fly Fishing With Charles Jardine

November 4, 2010

The November meeting of the East Yorkshire Flydressers’ Guild saw one of the very best fly-fishers in the world here in Beverley, it was none other than the much celebrated and very knowledgeable Charles Jardine. Charles kept his audience mesmerised by talking and showing slides on the best ways of catching trout from small stillwaters. Charles’ years of fishing experience soon became apparent and Club members certainly left for home…


Fly Fishing Flydressers Guild

September 21, 2010

The East Yorkshire Flydressers’ Guild is a 40-strong group of fly-fishing enthusiasts that meet up every month to exchange ideas and advice in the comfort of the Rose and Crown pub in Beverley.  They also benefit from the wealth of knowledge on offer from the guest speakers, and this month the meeting involved a class in making the flys. Secretary Paul Hotson said; “We have a very good membership base…