Volunteers Contribute to Food Festival

October 3, 2010

Today, a team of young volunteers turned out from CSV East Riding’s Vinvolved Team and East Riding College Beverley, to support the annual Beverley Food Festival. They brought Bertie Beaver, the town mascot to life and helped with a consultation of the event by asking visitors what they thought of this popular community event. In addition, the now ubiquitous Vmedia Crew spent the day filming and photographing the proceedings and…


Vmedia Crew Snapped Up Yet Again For Town’s 2010 Festival

September 15, 2010

John Bird, Chair of the Beverley Festival of Christmas, today took official delivery of the DVDs of this annual town event produced by a group of very dedicated young volunteers from CSV East Riding’s Vinvolved Team who are students at East Riding College, Beverley. The young people form the project’s Vmedia crew who have been involved with a number of other local community events. They were thanked for their tremendous…


Beverley’s French Connection

June 2, 2010

A Beverley youth worker hopes sharing knowledge with a French counterpart can lead to a greater understanding of Europe-wide issues affecting young people. Sue Dudill,  Youth Volunteer Adviser and Youth In Action Promoter with CSV East Riding, has invited French Youth Adviser Denise Martin to Beverley as part of the European Union’s Youth in Action programme. Denise will job shadow Sue for the next two weeks with the aim of…


David Elvidge Final Duties as Mayor

May 10, 2010

Cllr David Elvidge this week completed his final duty as Mayor of Beverley at the Beverley Minster as he attended the St John of Beverley Service. Then, this evening at the Beverley Guildhall David Elvidge passed over his duties to Bessie Foot. Before giving up his chains, Cllr David Elvidge present a selection of awards including one to Sue Dudill for her work with youngsters in the community one to…


CSV East Riding’s Youth Action Team Celebrate & Plan

March 20, 2010

Members of CSV East Riding’s Youth Action Team 2010 (YAT) met this week to discuss plans for the coming year ahead. They also seized the opportunity to celebrate the success of 2009 by taking official receipt of the Diana Award of Excellence given to 2 representatives of the YAT at Lincoln Cathedral last month. The current membership boasts a wealth of skills and enthusiasm which they are sure will be…


Lincoln Cathedral Diana Certificate of Excellence

March 3, 2010

2 Volunteers from CSV East Riding’s Vinvolved Team attended the Diana Princess of Wales Award Ceremony in Lincoln Cathedral Chapter House last Friday. They were there to collect a much-deserved Certificate of Excellence on behalf of the project’s Youth Action Team. The Mayor of Lincoln, The Right Worshipful, Councillor David Gatrick, presented Kayleigh Cooper and Jamie Baker with the award and thanked them for their efforts in the community. The…


Volunteers Acknowledged for Positive Work in the Community

February 23, 2010

Members of the Media Crew who made a positive contribution to the community through their work with CSV East Riding’s Vinvolved Team in 2009, gathered today at East Riding College in Beverley to receive official thanks and recognition for their efforts. Kerry Straw, Beverley Renaissance Partnership Coordinator and John Bird, Chair of the Festival of Christmas, presented the group with awards and spoke highly of the work they had all…


Young People Make a Positive Impact

December 17, 2009

Today, over 30 young people from CSV East Riding’s Vinvolved project got involved in what is without a doubt one of the best annual community events on Beverley’s calendar, The Festival of Christmas. These active young citizens gave their time and effort to add to the success of this amazing day.  They dressed in character costumes to entertain the children at the festival, took part in the parade and looked…


Beverley, a Town Once Experienced & Never Forgotten

December 10, 2009

The changing vision of a young Beverlonian Born and bred in Beverley, I’m what is known as a Beverlonian.  As a bored, disillusioned & angst ridden teenager, I frequently found myself thinking ’there must be more to life than just existing in a small town in East Yorkshire‘…a somewhat dreary place I felt, that seemed to suffer with a habitual case of nothingness and a constant attack of bad weather….


Youth in Action Programme

November 19, 2009

Here in Beverley, we are indeed privileged for many reasons, living in what has been previously described as the best place to reside in England and unbeknown to many it is also home the county’s best kept secret. Based in the town centre there is a team of people dedicated to motivating, inspiring and helping young people to make the most of life and so if you are 16-25 or…


Beverley Volunteers to Visit Serbia

October 16, 2009

Sue Dudill, Promoter for the European Union’s Youth in Action Programme to mobilise young people in Europe, is taking a group of volunteers from Beverley over to Krusevac in Serbia on the 24th October for what promises to be an exciting and worthwhile non-formal learning experience. It has been organised in conjunction with Marina Virijevic, a colleague from OSK, a youth-based organisation in that area. The theme of this exchange…