Green Party To Launch Manifesto
The Green Party Manifesto, ‘For the Common Good’, will be unveiled by Green Party Leader Natalie Bennett, and Green MP Caroline Lucas, in London.
The Green Party Manifesto, ‘For the Common Good’, will be unveiled by Green Party Leader Natalie Bennett, and Green MP Caroline Lucas, in London.
Richard Howarth, Green Party Candidate for Beverley and Holderness, exposes the risk of nuclear and fracking waste disposal in the East Riding.
Toll Gavel United Church was the chosen venue for the premier of a new film called Voices From The Gas Fields.
Labour’s George McManus says that East Riding of Yorkshire Council is not doing enough to defend local people and the environment from industrialisation.
Val and Jon Mager have been informed by their solicitors that the Crown Prosecution Service has discontinued the court case which was due to be heard on the 31st
Bill Rigby, a well known community environmental activist is standing for the Green Party in the St Mary’s East by-election.
The Green Party’s Deputy Leader Adrian Ramsay will visit Beverley on Thurs 1st Dec. Adrian will speak at an open meeting at Norwood Methodist Church, Norwood, at 7.30pm, on the positive Green vision. Admission is free and refreshments will be provided. Bill Rigby, of East Riding Green Party says, ‘Adrian has pulled off an amazing feat in that by the tender age of 30 he has transformed Norwich City Council…
Yes, for the first time in my life I (Shan Oakes) have been sufficiently moved about an issue to somewhat rudely e-mail (almost) my entire address book. Please forgive. Perhaps odd that the first event that should ever move me to such extremes is the Alternative Vote referendum, but there we are. Perhaps next week I shall e-mail about cuddly pandas or global poverty. But let’s start with AV. Doubtless…