Yorkshire Wildlife Park Is Expecting A Half Term Baby Boom

Yorkshire Wildlife Park Is Expecting A Half Term Baby Boom
June 3, 2024

In a springtime baby boom, the UK’s No. 1 wildlife walkthrough adventure has recently welcomed new arrivals from its camel, cheetah, monkey and rhino families.

Cotton-Top Tamarin monkeys Consuela and Maurice are nurturing tiny twins . The distinctive monkeys, among the smallest primates in the world, are a critically endangered species and the park is a designated conservation hub to help save them from extinction. The adults share parental duties with Maurice as likely as Consuela to be carrying the youngsters on his back. 


Classical Superstar Katherine Jenkins Safari Nights Re-Scheduled

Classical Superstar Katherine Jenkins Safari Nights Re Scheduled
July 28, 2020

Superstar Katherine Jenkins headline appearance at the award-winning Yorkshire Wildlife Park’s series of Wild Live Safari Night concerts this summer has been postponed till 2021 due to the pandemic.

The Mezzo-Soprano singer-songwriter, who is officially the world’s most successful Classical Singer ever with 13 number one albums in just over a decade, will now perform on Saturday, August 28, 2021.


Opening Day At Yorkshire Wildlife Park After Lockdown

Opening Day At Yorkshire Wildlife Park After Lockdown
June 16, 2020

A whole host of new animals met the public for the first time yesterday as the newly adapted award-winning Yorkshire Wildlife Park reopened.

YWP, which has introduced a wide variety of safety precautions to keep visitors safe, welcomed over thirty new arrivals during the lockdown.


Yorkshire Wildlife Park Gears Up To Reopen As Government Allows Zoos To Open

Yorkshire Wildlife Park Gears Up To Reopen As Government Allows Zoos To Open
June 14, 2020

The award-winning Yorkshire Wildlife Park is delighted at the news that the government has reviewed its decision on current restrictions on the reopening of zoos and safari parks.

The park had taken a severe financial hit as even with 70% of staff furloughed there are still high care and feed bills for their animals. The lockdown has cost the park around £5 million in lost revenue and is impacting its ability to carry out award-winning conservation projects.


Double Baby Camel Arrival At Yorkshire Wildlife Park

Double Baby Camel Arrival At Yorkshire Wildlife Park
May 13, 2020

Life continues behind closed doors at Yorkshire Wildlife Park where staff in lockdown are celebrating a double arrival –  the birth of two Bactrian camel calves. 

The calves were born only days apart in April and are sure to be favourites with visitors when the park reopens. 


Life In Lockdown At Award-Winning Yorkshire Wildlife Park

Life In Lockdown At Award-Winning Yorkshire Wildlife Park
March 27, 2020

Award-winning Yorkshire Wildlife Park was all quiet yesterday after temporarily closing in response to the coronavirus pandemic. 

Visitors enjoyed the unique walk-through experience coming almost face to face with some of the world’s most beautiful and at a risk animals for the last time in a while on Sunday. Then the staff locked the gates due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation.